Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Crown Big Caramel Corn Choco

I never thought I'd see the day
I'd meet a real turd wrangler!
The Attraction
I've walked by this snack many times when I've gone to the Korean grocery store and I've often wondered what on earth this was about. I mean, who would approve the look of this product, the packaging, the whole damn thing? Then finally this week, I was just too tickled to not give this thing a try to see if it was as much of a disaster as it looked.

The Review:
Occasionally I buy a snack for the wrong reasons. Usually it's because the packaging is so appealing or interesting, I could not resist. In the case of these Big Caramel Corn Chocos, it was more along the lines of what a trainwreck this product looked like. It's the same impulse that drove me to try Changheyuan Potato DJ Mix and boy did I call that one.

I open  the bag and a strong scent of chocolate quickly overwhelms me. "Wow, that smells great!", I think to myself, but then I take a look into the bag. "Whoa, these things look almost as bad as it does on the outside of the bag!" Talk about a push / pull relationship. It smells amazing, but it looks the way it does. It really put my appetite in limbo.

Boy, could this look any more appetizing?

You know, it's interesting how strong nature is. Everything in my body, including my stomach was screaming, "Put that in your mouth?! Are you crazy!?" Even looking at the photos now make me a bit uneasy, but after staring at the contents of the bag for a while, I knew what I had to do.

I finally reach in to the bag and pull out a Corn Choco. (even the name has a awful neuro-association to what the snack looks like). I take a whiff, which is also very counter intuitive, might I add, but was pleasantly reminded of that wonderful chocolate smell these snacks exude. I quickly just take a bite and, and, and....

...oh my gosh, it's so chocolaty! These Corn Chocos might be one of the most chocolaty tasting snacks I've ever had that doesn't actually contain chocolate. The flavor is like that of your favorite childhood chocolate cereal (think Count Chocula or Coco puffs) but with dry chocolate Nesquik sprinkled over it. The texture is also very similar to that of a puffed cereal, where it's just enough crunch,. They strike just the right balance.

Where have you been my whole life?! Then I take a look in the bag again and want to barf.

Umm...let's rethink this.
The Sweet:
Serious chocolate flavor. Like wow.

The Bitter:
It took some serious internal convincing to put something that looked like this to my mouth. They might have to fire their marketing department.

I had my doubts. In fact, I'll take it a step further and say I just about wrote this snack off before I even took a bite.....but then when I The flavor and texture was out of this world. I'm not even a super fan of chocolate and I enjoyed this snack. I know, it looks awful and the packaging doesn't help it's cause with a corn on the cob (for gosh sakes) lassoing a Big Caramel Corn Choco, but if you ever work up the nerve to taste one, you too will want to "wrangle" more of these.  

Video of the Week 
I really love this week's video because the woman in it is so animated in regards to a fire in her building. Thankfully she and everyone involved seems OK and we get to enjoy her excited retelling of how she learned about the fire.

"The building in on fire! Nahh..what?!"


  1. Replies
    1. I tried digging around myself and I only found one place, but it costs a small fortune ($27 for 2 bags!). I've only seen them at Hmarts in person and that has not even been very consistent. I'll let you know if I come across them. Thanks for dropping by.

    2. Where is that place? I really want to try these .

    3. Hi Alecia, I found a place that has it cheaper, but they've added in hazelnuts. It's essentially the same thing with hazelnuts tossed in the bag (it's not mixed into the choco puff itself) Weird, but true.


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