Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Bouchon TKO

"Who you calling whoopie pie?"
The Attraction
Someone recently told me that the TKO cookie at Bouchon (a bakery chain) was their favorite cookie. I wasn't really that interested...until I figured out what TKO stood for. When I did....I had to try it!

The Review:
I've been going to Bouchon on and off for years. I've tried various items there, but never this particular cookie. It just didn't jump out and grab me like some of the other treats on the menu. Then one day someone said, "Oh the TKO? It's like their version of an Oreo."

In fact, TKO actually stands for "Thomas Keller Oreo". OK count me in.

I quickly go down to Bouchon and pick one up. Now that I look at it, it makes sense....yes, an Oreo, of course. How could I have not seen it?

I take my "TKO" back to my desk and admire it for a few seconds. A gourmet version of an Oreo. How can they improve upon an Oreo?

I pickup the sizable cookie (it's about the circumference of the top a pint glass) and take bite. The first thing I notice is how the cookie shell is softer or rather, not as crisp as an actual Oreo. As I continue my bite and capture some of that cream center in my mouth, I also can taste that the cream isn't as sweet, but also not as rigid and processed tasting.

This is tricky to describe; the shell isn't as crisp because it's actually fresher. The cookie took on some of the moisture from the cream, which although not as sweet, is a good thing.

Essentially, it taste like a giant homemade Oreo with less sugar in the cream.

This didn't last too long on my desk

The Sweet:
Ironically, it's not as sweet as a regular Oreo and fresher tasting,

The Bitter:
You miss that contrast of the crisp cookie shell against the cream center.

On it's own, the TKO is a great cookie. Theoretically it's everything I would want in a cookie;
Yes, it's a fresher. Yes it's made with a recipe created by a super well recognized and acclaimed chef. Yes, the cream is not as sweet, yet if we were to do a head to head comparison against an Oreo, despite all those things, there's something about an Oreo that still rings true. Perhaps it's the sweeter cream that reminds me of my childhood or the crisp, firm crack of the cookie shell that yields against the center filling or even the texture on the cookie itself that let's you know it's an Oreo.

There's no mistaking that the TKO is a great cookie, but there's also no mistaking it for an Oreo.

Video of the Week 
People often ask me what I do on the weekends when I'm not reviewing snacks for SneakASnack. Well, wonder no more. Below is a video of what I did this past weekend.

That's me! (the guy on the outside of the glass, maybe)

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