Sunday, October 4, 2015

Ruffles All Dressed

What flavor is "All Dressed"?

The Attraction:
Ruffles, another branch of the Frito Lay snack company that also makes all those crazy flavors as of late, like this and this, has jumped on the alternate-flavor bandwagon. One of their offerings is this supposed Canadian favorite, "All Dressed". Yes, exactly. I said the same thing.....what the eff is "All Dressed"? You've suckered me in again, Frito Lay.......

The Review:
When you look closely at the outside packaging for this snack, one can only venture a guess as to what the three different items on them are. I think that's a bottle of barbecue sauce, a glass of vinegar or oil and cinnamon, maybe paprika? What the hell do Canadians eat in which that combination of ingredients would result in that being the "#1 flavor in Canada"? I always thought Canadians were a little weird, now I finally have proof. (Besides Celine Dion.)

Time to open the bag up.

I stick my nose in the bag and see if I can detect what may lie ahead; vinegary? That confirms what was supposed to be in the glass on the front of the bag of chips. Let's see how this might taste.

Like the smell tipped me off to, the first flavor is vinegar-based, then as I eat on, it turns a little smoky, as the bottle of bbq sauce would suggest. It's slightly sweet at the end, but not quite as sweet as a bag of bbq-flavored chips. This "All Dressed" flavor essentially comes across as a light vinegar-bbq based chip to me. Interesting, but is it interesting enough?

Moments before I stick my face in the bag

The Sweet:
Classic thick Ruffles chips crunch with a mild-tasting bbq flavor twist to it.

The Bitter:
It makes me long for the stronger, more assertive BBQ flavored Ruffles that they offer.

"Look! I'm All-Dressed"
I enjoy this crazy flavor trip that Frito Lay is taking us on. Although they aren't all home runs, it's the idea that they are thinking outside of the box and willing to take some chances. They are only an idea away from being the next Honey-Butter flavored chip maker of the western hemisphere, but until they come across that golden ticket, we get to sample all the variations of Wonka bars they come up with. Their "All-Dressed" flavored chips come across as just a mild bbq flavored chip to me and it's true that I may not be running to the store to buy another bag anytime soon, however, one day I could be looking back on these days and telling someone, "Hey, you know that company that makes those chips that everyone is waiting in line for to buy? They used to make these chips called "All-Dressed".

Video of the Week
I'm a little late to the party, but I recently read some positive reviews about Carly Rae Jepsen's new album Emotion. I downloaded the album and was pleasantly surprised. Now, clearly I'm not the spring chicken I used to be, but being a kid from the 80's, these songs sounded familiar and just fun to listen to. Hopefully you'll feel the same. (I didn't receive anything for this endorsement, btw. I just enjoy sharing good music.)

Would wearing a Carly tee be too much?
How about a denim vest?

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