Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Lays Cheddar Bacon Mac and Cheese

What? More bacon snacks?!
The Attraction:
Recently I've been buying into Lay's marketing program of letting the public judge and decide what new flavor should become part of the Lay's potato chip line. I even tried one of their offerings this year. Surprisingly, despite my conspiracy theory about it all, I went to the grocery store the other day and saw this 2014 offering still being offered to the public. Hmm...this guy is still around? There must be something to it if they are still making it...

The Review
Tear into the bag and there is a hint of that cured smell from the cheddar bacon flavor. "This should be good!", I think to myself. I pickup two broken chips and bring it on home. As the smell test confirmed, there is a cured flavor to these chips. The cheddar flavor kicks in quickly once that initial cured taste fades. Check on the cheddar bacon part. What about the mac and cheese? After shoveling a few more chips into the snack-o-rater (my mouth), the product occurs to me more like a loaded baked potato (minus the sour cream and chives). It makes total sense; bacon and cheese flavor + potato chip = loaded baked potato. The distinction of the macaroni in the "Mac and Cheese" part is textural and since Lay's didn't make a chip to emulate that feeling, you have an item whose flavor is more reminiscent of an appetizer you might get at the local bar or pub.

Are those black specks of bacon flavor?

The Sweet:
It delivers a cured meat flavor experience with a hit of cheddar cheese essence that satisfies your savory urges.

The Bitter:
It doesn't come across as mac and cheese, although frankly, I'm not sure if they thought they could ever be able to deliver on that part of the product name. Dang marketing department...

First ones to go down the hatch
So it doesn't exactly deliver what the description on the bag promises. It wouldn't be the first nor the last product to do that, however the spirit of what these chips tries to capture is there. What they do get right and put into the bag is a enough to keep me coming back for more. You say tomato, I say tomáto. You say mac and cheese, I say potáto. Tomato, tomáto, mac and cheese, potáto, let's just put it all in the shopping cart.

Video of the Week
About a week ago, Burger King proposed a one day "cease fire" with it's largest competitor, McDonald's, in honor of Peace Day (Sept 21). As part of that cease fire, they would combine their signature burgers, the Whopper and the Big Mac. Personally, if I could build my own, I would take a Whopper, leave only the bun, meat and cheese, then incorporate the Big Mac's chopped onions, pickles, special sauce and lettuce. How would you build yours?

This sounds cool, but can't we just build our own
 if we bought one of each burger?

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