Saturday, April 2, 2016

Crown Caramel Corns and Peanuts Snack

The Corn Cowboy is back!
The Attraction
Like all great love stories, it all started rather unexpectedly when I picked up a bag of these scary looking corn puffs. Then after that, I tried Crown's new offering, Caramel Maple Corn. Then last week I stepped into different Korean grocery store and saw these on the shelf. Can Crown possible complete the trifecta?

The Review:
As much as I love Crown's Big Caramel Corn Choco (does that sound dirty?), I think I had my fill(that last bit didn't help). When I saw this flavor, which I believe may be the original flavor, I had to give it a shot.

I open the red bag and detect no obvious scent. Perhaps slightly oily, but what can you expect from a fried snack. I take a peek inside and see that these curls have a slight glaze on them. I suppose its from the sugar or caramel. I can't help but wonder will these just taste ordinary after trying the two other flavors? I also don't see any peanuts in the bag. Are these really peanut flavored as well as caramel flavored? (there are actually about 10 peanuts at the bottom of the bag)

These look harmless enough...

I pickup a caramel corn and bite in. These curls are crunchy, but are different from the chocolate and maple variety I had previously. These seem smaller and not as "puffy". Flavor-wise, they initially start off like a mild Cracker Jack, but not nearly as much caramel or sweetness, then as you continue to chew the peanut flavor notes become slightly more pronounced. Oddly enough it reminds me of Capt Crunch. What flavor is Capt Crunch?

Whoa...I'm so shiny!

The Sweet:
Not too sweet, not too caramel, not too much of anything.

The Bitter:
It's seems ordinary at first.

It's difficult to explain how I feel about these Crown's Caramel Corns and Peanuts. Maybe the best way is like saying these are like Tom Hanks. He's not the planet's hottest man, nor the most buff, nor the flashest dresser, nor the most outspoken. He just quietly does what he does well and lets his acting speak for itself. In many ways these corn snacks are the same way; they don't wow you at first, you can't figure out why this would be so popular, but as you have a few more, you find yourself having another, then another...until there's almost none left in the bag.

Video of the Week 

And you thought the UPS wasn't great

I'm all for efficiency and as little wasted motion as possible when it comes to work...but these guys take it to a whole other level. They would probably call me a wuss and a slacker for only carrying two of those sacks...which is about all one could carry safely. (who needs that?)

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