Sunday, September 20, 2015

Loacker Tortina Mini

 I wish I can go into a chocolaty bath one day
The Attraction:
When I was in Italy a few weeks back, I grabbed a bunch of snacks to bring home to review. One being these Tortina Minis. Perhaps it was because they reminded me of Reese's Peanut Butter Cups or maybe they looked all chocolaty and sexy. I think now that look at the photo I took of the packaging, it's all of the above.

The Review
Surprise, surprise. Another hazelnut product out of Italy like this one I reviewed. It wasn't until I got back home to the States that I realized what a big deal hazelnuts are in Italy. Another thing I didn't realize was just how "mini" these snacks were. I was expecting these to be about the size of a silver dollar. In actuality, they are closer to the size of a half a dollar.  It's OK, as long as I can eat it one way or another.

I take a Tortina out of it's individually wrapped packaging and indulge. I'm not sure why I'm surprised, but it tastes like, you guessed it, a Ferrero Rocher! The one distinct difference is the missing crunch of the bits of hazelnuts, which make me appreciate Ferrero Rochers even more now. That missing component makes the snacking less pleasurable as the nuts provided a nice contrast to the chocolate layer covering the thin wafer shell and last, but not least, the creamy hazelnut cream inside. I know these are not Ferrero Rochers, but it's tough not to draw a comparison when they taste so similar. I do like the portion size of each mini as it gives you a nice taste, without tiring your taste buds out.

"I look like a chocolate bottle cap!"

The Sweet:
I'm like the perfect sized mini Ferrero Rocher...

The Bitter:
...except neutered! (aka no nuts)

I'm beginning to see a theme here
If you like Ferrero Rocher, you will enjoy these, although maybe less because it feels like something is "missing". If you are able to give up that expectation, you will be able to enjoy the smooth, rich combination of hazelnut and chocolate that these Tortini minis are able to offer.

Video of the Week
Somehow me the lil lady recently have gotten into old school video games. I've spent many an hour this week reliving my youth playing videos games I haven't seen or played in decades. It got me thinking, "I wonder if could build my own video arcade?" Wonder no more.

What time shall we meet at Home Depot?

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