Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Bonchi Rice Cracker Sweet

"Eat me meow!"
The Attraction
Maybe it was the cute cat looking cartoon artwork on the outside or maybe the idea that this bag of goodies came to us via Japan, but whatever the reason, it casually found it's way into our shopping cart. Can this unassuming snack capture our snack heart?  

The Review:
I had no idea what the deal was with these "rice crackers". I just knew they are made of rice and probably crispy. I would probably venture to guess that these are also sweet, but I'm not sure. (This was before I read the english translation on the label stuck on the back of the bag.) Either way, a surprise is waiting for me inside or so I hope.

I was unable to open the bag as usual, so I was forced to tear the bag open. I hate that. I'm not sure why, but maybe cause I feel like I won't be able to close the bag again? Well, anyway, as the bag opens, I take a deep inhale and smell an oily-fried smell. Yes, maybe not the most welcoming smell, but there it was. I peer in and see these sexy little cubes of rice crackers with a slight glaze that catches the light just so to make it look even more appetizing.

Don't we just look so sexy

This is confusing; the smell wasn't so great, yet the visuals are pretty awesome, but as we all know, it always boils down to the taste.

I take a cube and bite into it. There'a serious crunch to these. That at least semi-justifies the oily smell. Flavor-wise, there is something very familiar about it. After having another 2 pieces, I finally can pin it down; it taste like kettle corn! I do like kettle corn and these are crunchier, which I do like, but why pay a premium to have something that taste like something else that is much cheaper? Maybe that's my frugal snack side coming through.  Let me look at the cat on the bag again to make me feel better.....ommmmm.

Down the hatch you go!

The Sweet:
Good crunch and light sweet flavor

The Bitter:
Taste like kettle corn, so why not save a few bucks and just get kettlecorn?

You know, my only complaint, if you want to call it that, is that these Bonchi Rice Crackers taste pretty much like a crunchier version of kettle corn. Now, if you are fan of kettle corn, but always wanted them crunchier, well, your ship has come in and it's on a boat call Bonchi Rice Cracker Sweet. For me, even though they taste fine, they barely register on the snack quake scale. I'm looking for something that will at least break a few dishes and knock some pictures off the wall. Unfortunately, this comes off more like a truck rumbling by your house.

Video of the Week 
Working on it!

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