Sunday, December 13, 2015

Yummy Star Magic Cookies Chocolate Flavor

I may have the snack selection
process of a 12 year old
The Attraction:
I normally don't go for snacks that are seemingly geared towards kids, well except for this. However, something about this packaging was begging me to try it. Maybe it reminded me of Riska Sittori Ichigo and since that was such a favorable experience, maybe this could be like the chocolate version of that snack.

The Review:
I have mixed feelings when I see snacks with very little English on them. Part of me is annoyed as I can't determine what the snack is suppose to taste like, yet the other part of me is intrigued and curious as to what the snack actually is. In this case, the only thing I understood on the front of this snack's bag was "Yummy Star". OK, time to flip this thing over and see if there are any more clues on the other side.

"Magic cookies- chocolate flavor" says the label on the back that also list the ingredients. "Magic?". What exactly makes these things magical? Something inside? Is the flavor magical? You win again, language-I-can't-read-packaging.

I open the bag and the poof of chocolate smell that comes out is of that like a chocolate flavored cereal such as Coco Puffs or Count Chocula. Smells like my childhood.

I pick up a star, which is about an inch in diameter. The star itself feels light and airy. Next, time to take a bite. I dig in and get a gentle crunch, if that's possible. The flavor is very much like the chocolate-flavored cereals I mentioned earlier, but the texture seems familiar also. It's not quite as hard as cereal. It's actually like a cheese ball or Cheez Doodles Puffed, but still not as crunchy. I'm so used to that texture being associated with a savory snack, it takes some time to change that neuro-association. I'll guess I'll have to have some more...

Looks like giant deformed Cherrios

The Sweet:
Reminiscent of a chocolate flavored cereal

The Bitter:
I'm not quite used to the paring of something sweet with a cheese ball-like texture

Familiar things paired in unfamiliar ways

These Yummy Stars were like an emotional roller coaster. Apparently there wasn't anything particularly magical about these stars, yet they are tasty and offer up chocolate-flavored bits delivered in a slightly crunchy, but mouth-friendly package. As yummy as these stars are, they don't deliver a memorable enough performance to warrant a return engagement to my snack stage.

Video of the Week
In parts of China, women who are over the ripe old age of 27 and not married are called, "Leftover Women". I think in the States these same women would be called, "Normal-working-women-that-have-a-life". Anyway, in some extreme cases, parents with children that are still single have taken it upon themselves to "assist" their children by meeting at local parks called "Wedding Markets" to help expedite the matchmaking process. In many cases, the singles do not know their parents are doing this. (and you thought your parents were annoying when they told you to eat your vegetables).

This video digs deeper into the root causes of what may create this perception.

Maybe my meddling matchmaking ways are in my genes.

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