Sunday, November 15, 2015


Ain't nothing like a good "Nuggle" on a cold winter's night

The Attraction:
A few weeks ago I was in a local Duane Reade stocking up on discounted Halloween candy (yes, I'm that guy) when I was walking the aisle and found this candy bar that I have never seen before. It was located in an area with other local ethnic snacks and foods, so I knew I had to give this snack a shot.

The Review:
I can't say I've seen or ever heard of Nuggle or it's manufacturer, The Charles Candy company out of San Juan, Trinidad in the West Indies, so I was really curious what this candy bar might taste like. "Any interesting ethnic flair? Will they incorporate any local flavors? Does chocolate taste the same  made in the West Indies?" were all questions I had racing in my mind when I finally got this chocolate bar home.

I quickly unwrap the chocolate bar and see that as the wrapper proclaimed, there are some serious nuts on this snack! It's like a chocolate covered Thing!

I proceed to take a bite, start to chew and realize you can't chew once without biting into a nut. This is like peanut nirvana for nut lovers! As solid of a candy bar and tasty as this is proving to be, it's also well covered ground by many snack makers previously. Don't get me wrong, it's well made; the nuts are plentiful and the chocolate isn't too sweet, but they aren't bringing anything different to the chocolate bar parade. Think of a Nuggle as a Snickers with three times the amount of nuts and minus the syrupy caramel in between. That sounds pretty good to me.

I see your Snickers and raise you a Nuggle

The Sweet:
Great nut to chocolate ratio, if you are a peanut lover like I am.

The Bitter:
Nothing really new to the snack arena

Might want run, not walk if you have a nut allergy
OK, so there's nothing groundbreaking here. The tried and true recipe of chocolate and nuts strikes again. Where Nuggle differentiates itself from it's American counterparts is the amount of nuts in this thing. It's crazy. The closest thing I've had with this much peanuts in it in a commercial candy bar is Nutragaeous from Reese's. The only obvious difference between the two is the addition of peanut butter in the Nutrageous candy bar. As much as I loved Nutrageous as seen here, Nuggle is not to be taken lightly either. If loving Nuggle is wrong, I don't want to be right.

Video of the Week
You can always count on the Japanese to leave nothing sacred in the name of entertainment. In this case, it's a game show of who can hold, umm..."air" in the longest while arm wrestling. Seems like a game in which no one really wins if you asked me.

I've seen that face somewhere before

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