Sunday, July 12, 2015

Haitai Sindangdong Tteokbokki (Dukbokki)

I first thought they might taste like
The Attraction:
Recently I've been slightly obsessed with a Korean dish called Tteokbokki. I would walk by some Korean restaurants that would posts photos of the rice cake based dish and I would wonder what the heck this thing would taste like. It looks like Italian ziti with marinara sauce, but it can't possibly taste like that, right? Then finally earlier this year I ordered some and was pleasantly surprised how much I liked it. The chewy rice cake bathed in a sweet-spicy sauce immediately became a favorite of mine. So much so that when I came across this "precious" snack in the local Korean grocery store, I had to try's mine...all mine!

The Review
First things first, this bag is heavy for a snack bag...and a price tag to match. The bag weights almost half a pound (or 7.58 ounces) and cost $4.99. In comparison, a 1 pound bag of Doritos cost about $4. Well, these things are imported, so what can you do? Plus this product promises to deliver tteookbokki flavor at anytime...and can one really put a price tag on that?

I take my first bite into the "chip" and the flavor that is most pronounced is the sweetness of it. It's a bit reminiscent of this snack I reviewed, but sweeter. Almost like the popular American breakfast cereal Cap'n Crunch. Towards the tail-end of the bite, the slight spice comes through, but it's a sweet spice, not the traditional salty spice I've grown accustomed to. Hmm, not bad, let's try another...then another...etc.

It looks like a spicy, mini-churro, now that I look at it

The Sweet:
A great sweet, spicy flavored snack textured nicely to provide a good crunch.

The Bitter:
Can we make these closer to the States so they don't costs so much?

Many of these were "tested" for this review
In the end, they ultimately don't really taste like Tteokbokki that much to me, both in texture (crunchy instead of chewy) and in flavor, although the sweet and spicy components are there. With that said, I really enjoyed this snack. So much so that I polished off about half the bag as I wrote this review. In lieu of not having the ability to have tteokbokki on hand at a given moment, this will make a pleasant substitute to distract me until I can get the real thing.

Video of the Week
A short video lesson this week from Bryan Cranston teaching us all how to respond to people asking if we enjoyed visiting their home town.

Was Bryan Cranston Walter White or was
Walter White Bryan Cranston?


  1. Hello, I came across your review when I Googled the product. I actually bought mine at the 99 ranch market. It was on sale for a dollar something. In case you wanted to know where to buy it without the shipping and handling fees. Hope that helps. Have a nice day.

    1. Thanks, Becky. Appreciate you sharing that with me and our readers!


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