Sunday, February 26, 2012

Meltyblend (Royal Milk Tea flavor)

Meltyblend (Royal Milk Tea flavor)

I've recently have been part of an unofficial snack club at work. Seemingly once a week a member brings in a snack for everyone to sample. This week when I was doing some grocery shopping, I came across this baby at my local Chinese grocery.

The Attraction
With a name like Meltyblend, I was already intrigued. Throw in "royal milk tea flavor" and an interesting square packaging and this box was quickly tossed into my shopping cart. I also have to disclose that I have previously sampled many Meiji chocolate products over the years and have been very happy with the result. So, I'm a little bias...

When first opening the box, what's interesting to note is the individually wrapped pieces of chocolate. I guess with a name like "Meltyblend", its probably best that each piece be packaged this way. When opening my first piece of chocolate, I was surprised to find that the chocolate itself was partially melted. Now, I understand the name, but this is ridiculous! Anyway, I squeezed it into my mouth and it was OK. To be honest, I was so put off by the chocolate being melted, the flavor didn't even register. Perhaps that was just a fluke...a second piece would be needed immediately.

Take two: Ahh...better. This second piece, looked as advertised; a cube of chocolate that is reminiscent of a cube of sugar...except that it's made of chocolate. Upon tasting it again, the chocolate lived up to it's namesake; it melted quickly in my mouth. First, I noted how creamy the chocolate was (although all Japanese based chocolates tends to be creamier and smoother than their American chocolate counterparts). Shortly after, the "royal tea flavor" came through. The flavor the chocolate tries to emulate is essentially a "milk tea" or tea with milk flavor and it does so subtly.

The Sweet
Smooth creamy chocolate with hints of "milk tea" flavor. Nice "flip top" package design.

The Bitter
Pricier than other Japanese chocolate imports. Coming in at about $2.99, it's less likely to be your ever day go-to chocolate fix.

Did the flavor knock my socks off so much that I would I run out to the store to pickup this box again? Probably not, when you can score some other tasty Japanese chocolate bars for about a buck less, but if a member of the snack club brought in another box, I would happily take some and probably sneak some extra pieces to keep at my desk...

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