Sunday, May 31, 2015

Simply Enjoy Dutch Caramel Wafer Cookies

Also known as a Stroopwafel!
The Attraction:
A few months back, my boss came into the office with a can of these that he received from a vendor. Apparently these were some sort of big deal, but somehow I had missed the boat on. I had one and was quickly intrigued. Before I was able to have another, they were all gone! So when I went to the supermarket the other day and saw a generic version of the same cookie, I decided that this cookie needed to be reviewed. (Spoiler Alert!) Maybe it's more along the lines of I liked it and wanted to have more. With that said, I also have a responsibility to my readers out there...

The Review
I didn't have this exact brand the first go around. I don't recall the manufacturer, but what I do know is that these are a generic version offered up by Stop and Shop, a regional supermarket chain here in New York. So for purposes of this post, I will be reviewing this version from Simply Enjoy.

As I pulled out a cookie from the package (there are 8 cookies per package roughly the circumference of a coffee mug), I noticed the weight of this sucker. I guess 2 cookies sandwiching a layer of caramel inside can make a cookie feel pretty hefty. "Well, enough of that." I think to myself and then quickly indulged by taking a bite from the "Stroopwafel"

The cookie gently yielded to my bite. There was a nice chewy texture to the wafer cookie. There was also just enough caramel between the buttery tasting wafers on either side of it, so it wasn't messy or overwhelming. There was a great finish that didn't leave you with an excessively sweet after taste.

I have a strange urge to visualize a small order
of eggs and bacon with this cookie

The Sweet:
Great chewy texture combined with the buttery wafer and caramel filling makes your taste buds want to have another....and then perhaps another after that.

The Bitter:
These guys aren't always easy to locate. These are the generic version, but still pretty darn good. If you want to save a few bucks, skip the collectible holding tin and just go with the plastic wrapped cookies.

Leggo my Stroopwafel-go
These Dutch Caramel Wafer Cookies by Simply Enjoy are a great indulgence. I wouldn't necessarily eat these every week; they are more of a great way to treat yourself every now and again. If memory serves me correctly, I'm about due to treat myself...again.

Video of the Week
This week video involves the team over at MIT that has built the first ever autonomous robot that can jump over obstacles. Do you think it's ironic that the machines are probably more athletic than the people building them? I think it's only a matter of time before MIT students build a female robot that can stand in line at the Nintendo store and pickup hot pockets for them.,...and yes, I will be even more jealous then.

Yes, but can you make a robot that says, "Hasta la vista, baby"?

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